
that supports your evolving needs

Early Stage

Secure your voice for the future—start recording today to ensure lasting peace of mind for yourself, your family and your friends.

Mid Stage

Fine-tune your voice clone or create multiple versions to preserve your most natural tone for every mood—start today to ensure your voice is always heard.

Advanced Stage

Activate and control your voice clone with our state-of-the-art communication assistent —minimize your motor effort, maximize your words per minute.


Voice recordings can cause stress, especially when you get only one shot. With MindBank, you can take as many sessions as you need. Follow our AI-guided instructions to securely save multiple voice recording sessions, ensuring the best foundation for creating your future voice clone.


Refine and test your own voice clone based on your historical voice recordings from MindBank. Play with the settings to make sure your voice clone accurately reflects your natural tone of voice. Your voice is part of who you are; with MindVoice we give you the controls to fine tune your voice.


Try communicating without speaking using either a synthetic voice or your own MindVoice. Connect your MindVoice to MindSpeaker's state-of-the-art "MindSpeller" communication software. Click letters, words or symbols with our hardware and get ready to speak your mind!  


Probeer onze hardware die bij jouw situatie past

Vroege Fase

Neem je stem op en verfijn je stemkloon op onze toekomstbestendige, upgradebare tablet

Midden Fase

Bedien je nieuwe communicatieassistent met je ogen.

Gevorderde Fase

Je communicatieassistent onder controle houden


Opwaardeerbare en op maat gemaakte voice studio tablet-pc, vooraf geïnstalleerd met MindBank-, MindVoice- en MindSpeller-software. Plug & play. De veiligste en meest persoonlijke studio-omgeving om je stemkloon te beheren en te bedienen.
MindSpeaker Hardware!

+ EyeNav


+ MindClick

Upgrade je MindSpeaker met oordopjes: onze gepatenteerde AI leert je hersensignalen te interpreteren, gedetecteerd door kleine sensoren in de oordopjes.

TIP: Probeer MindClick al tijdens de Midden Fase om machine learning te vergemakkelijken en de prestaties tijdens de Advanced Stage te maximaliseren! EyeNav en MindClick kunnen als optionele upgrades worden aangeschaft wanneer er behoefte is aan alternatieve besturing.
Vraag je logopedist om informatie.